Product Summary

NZME Native Performance ads are designed to drive customers to your website or offer using the look and feel of a native placement on our platforms. The traffic delivered is relevant and will be interested in your offer!

Targeting Options

NZME Native Performance ads can be targeted to specific audiences, geographies or verticals making them even more relevant to your target customer base.

Buy Types

NZME Native Performance ads are sold on a Cost-per-Click (CPC) basis meaning you're only paying for traffic delivered to your site.

Native Performance

Ad Specs

Native Performance

Please note the following character limits for each aspect of the native placement. This is the MAXIMUM number of characters (including spaces) which will be displayed before truncation:

Title: 38 characters
Body: 66 characters
CTA: 10 characters
Advertiser Name: 30 characters

Build Time

Creative and working instruction must be supplied a MINIMUM of 3 working days prior to start date.

Creative Example

Best Practice/Notes

- No capitalising of words eg: "All make-up HALF-PRICE buy NOW" must be "All make-up half-price buy now" with the exception of acronyms (ie: NZ)
- Avoid text or copy in the image where possible as this is known to negatively impact user engagement 
We optimise to show the best performing (on the basis of click-through rate) more often. For this reason, we require a MINIMUM of 3 creative versions to allow optimisation to occur.
Creative may be rejected if it’s considered offensive, misleading, overwhelming, or distracting.
- Please note: Native Performance  ads are tailored to the web property that they are being displayed on. Some of the supplied elements such as the ad copy may be cropped or not displayed on some properties.