Product Summary

Outstream video shows in-article where you'd normally expect to see a banner ad. It will adapt it's sizing to fit in with the space available. The video will auto-play when it is 50% in-view with sound being user-initiated.

Targeting Options

Outstream Video ads can be targeted to specific audiences, geographies or verticals making them even more relevant to your target customer base.

Buy Types

Outstream video is sold on a CPM basis.

 Ad Specs

Outstream Video

Maximum video length is 30 seconds, though we recommend 15 seconds for increased completions.

Oustream video can be 3rd party ad served. VAST 3.0 or higher is required.
Impression and click tracking is also available.

Creative Example

Build Time

Creative and working instruction must be supplied a MINIMUM of 3 working days prior to start date.