Product Summary

The Portal creates the illusion of content behind the page that the user is browsing.  It constitutes of foreground and background units and mimics the parallax web effect.

Targeting Options

Run of site cross-platform. Audience targeting.

Available buy-types

Run of site cross-platform. Audience targeting or daily impression blast available.

Creative Example

Ad Specs:

Please note: Both foreground and background creative assets MUST be supplied.

Portal (Mobile)

Portal (Desktop & Mobile)

Portal (Desktop)

Portal (Desktop & Mobile)

Image File Specifications:

  • Layered PSD preferred to allow for parallax or animation effects.

Video File Specifications:

We can also build video into your Portal.

  • Maximum video file size of 2 megabytes (MB) to comply with the various publisher specs. Please check with your publisher for more information on the optimal video file size.
  • MP4 format using the H.264 codec.
  • 6 - 30 seconds duration
  • 4:3 or 16:9 aspect ratio

Please note: Both foreground and background creative assets MUST be supplied.

Build Time

3 - 5 Working days required for testing and loading.

Best Practice/Notes

Please note: Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge are not supported.