Technical Specs

Initial / Polite:
Desktop - 80kb max
Mobile - 50Kb max

Our ad server is Google Ad Manager - please ensure all supplied HTML5 assets are compatible with this platform.

User interaction

  • Additional assets can be loaded with a max size of 100Kb
  • Video assets may be loaded with a max size of 5MB


  • Creative is due 5 working days before campaign start.
  • Ensure all assets are served securely through SSL
  • An active click-through URL must be provided.
  • Please send creative files to

Notes & Best Practices

  • Creative may be rejected if it’s considered offensive, misleading, overwhelming, or distracting.
  • Advertising content must have clearly defined borders and must not be easily confused for normal webpage content.

Supported Third Parties

At NZME. we recommend and support DoubleClick and Sizmek third party tags as rich-media HTML5 providers.

Both have built in products to produce HTML5 creative:

Host With Us

Alternatively, you can send your HTML5 assets in a zip - with the index.html file at the top level - for us to host and traffic.

Please build using this guide

We support HTML5 files built through:

  1. Google Web Designer
  2. Adobe Edge
  3. Adobe Animate

All scripts must be loaded via SSL.