Commercial Radio Reaches 3.3 Million New Zealanders

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  • Commercial Radio Reaches 3.3 Million New Zealanders
The New Zealand Commercial Radio Industry released the S1 first quarter Radio Audience Data into the market today and it reveals that over 3.6 million New Zealanders were listening to radio every week as the country went into lockdown and over 3.3 million of those listen to commercial radio stations.

The GfK Radio Audience Measurement survey contacts at least 14,000 respondents across New Zealand every year. The fieldwork for this survey ceased in late March just before the lockdown was announced.

RBA CEO Jana Rangooni says “This is an unprecedented situation for the country and the Industry agreed at this time to suspend all fieldwork until at least late June. This means there will be no S2 Release as originally scheduled for June 25th. We hope to make a decision about options for the remainder of the year by the end of May.”

NZME CEO Michael Boggs says Radio’s incredible value to New Zealanders has been reinforced in recent weeks, as it invariably does in times of crisis and uncertainty. “Radio, like all media has been focused on supporting our audiences through this period. Whether it be supporting the Government as a Civil Defence Emergency broadcast partner, delivering round the clock local, national and international news coverage or by keeping New Zealanders entertained and connected, Radio is delivering for audiences as it always does in times like these.”

MediaWorks CEO Michael Anderson says that it's clear that New Zealanders are turning to Radio as a trusted source for news and entertainment especially through breaking events like Covid-19. "I'm very proud of our teams and the whole industry pulling together to support our listeners and advertisers through such a challenging period for us all."

Non-Commercial Radio Audience Figures will be released Thursday April 30th at 1pm.

© GfK Apr 23 2020
GfK New Zealand Commercial TOTAL NEW ZEALAND Survey 1 2020, Mon-Sun 12mn-12mn, People 10+, Cumulative Audience (Unless otherwise stated). All figures are based on commercial radio unless otherwise stated.