DRIVEN leads conversation on New Zealand’s Clean Car EV Feebate scheme

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  • DRIVEN leads conversation on New Zealand’s Clean Car EV Feebate scheme

NEWS RELEASE – 25 June 2020

DRIVEN leads conversation on New Zealand’s Clean Car EV Feebate scheme

New Zealand Media and Entertainment’s DRIVEN team has taken on the task of unravelling the tangle of detail around New Zealand’s new Clean Car feebate scheme.

DRIVEN has assembled automotive leaders and related industry representatives to discuss the scheme with the Government’s Minister for Transport Hon. Michael Wood.

The panel discussion hosted by Newstalk ZB Drive Host Heather du Plessis-Allan will be held in NZME’s iHeart Lounge in central Auckland on July 1 with a studio audience and will be available to watch on and later that morning.

“This feebate scheme drove an avalanche of feedback to NewstalkZB.  It’s caused a real them-and-us divide, with farmers, tradies and Ute-lovers on one side, and EV fans on the other,” said du Plessis-Allan.  “People are confused. Which cars will be taxed? Will you be banned from buying Utes? Are electric Utes coming or not?  Who’s right about that: the PM or the boss of Toyota NZ?” said du Plessis-Allan.  

Helping Heather clear the air on the EV Feebate Scheme will be:

  • Minister for Transport Hon. Michael Wood
  • Motor Industry Association CEO David Crawford
  • Imported Motor Vehicle Industry Association CEO David Vinsen
  • Drive Electric Chairman Mark Gilbert
  • Mercury Energy General Manager Sustainability Lucie Drummond
  • KPMG Director of Infrastructure and Government Advisory Stephanie Ward
  • National President Federated Farmers Andrew Hoggard

“The DRIVEN editorial team have been explaining the impacts and implications of the scheme to our audiences, with articles such as the highly read Ten things Kiwis need to know about the clean car feebate,” said NZME’s Head of Automotive and DRIVEN Natasha Callister.

“But, there’s still so much more to know about the scheme from both an implementation perspective and when looking holistically at the impact on wider industry. It’s vital we get to hear from the Minister for Transport on this topic,” said Callister.

DRIVEN’s Clean Car Feebate Panel Discussion – “What this means for Kiwis and our future” available from 10am Thursday 1 July - on and


Cliff Joiner

GM Communications

New Zealand Media and Entertainment

+64 21 270 9995


Natasha Callister

Head of Automotive and DRIVEN

New Zealand Media and Entertainment

+64 27 257 4251
