Radio Hauraki’s No Talk Day has a mental health message for everyone

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  • Radio Hauraki’s No Talk Day has a mental health message for everyone


Talking – it’s what radio announcers do for a living.

But this Friday Radio Hauraki’s team of talkers will shut up, and go silent for the day to encourage others to make a noise about mental illness. They have released a video to spread awareness in advance of their No Talk Day this Friday 9 August.

While No Talk Day is meant to shine a light on men’s mental health, the message can be used by anyone to lift their own mental wellbeing and support those they care about.

The unique collaboration with Triple M Australia who ran a similar event, and joint initiative with Movember Foundation NZ, will see Radio Hauraki removing all ads, announcers, traffic, weather and news from 6am to 6pm on the day, to symbolically create space for listeners to talk. Other NZME brands including the New Zealand Herald, which launched its award-winning Break The Silence investigative series in 2017, will be supporting the initiative this Friday.

Advice, supported by organisations that work in the fields of mental health and suicide, suggests that talking with someone or starting a conversation with someone you’re concerned about can help.

While Radio Hauraki’s audience is predominantly male and suicide statistics reveal a high proportion of men take their own lives (of the 668 Kiwis who took their lives last year, 475 were men), the Hauraki team are well aware mental ill-health does not recognise gender or race.

Radio Hauraki Content Director Mike Lane says, “We talk to a lot of Kiwi men every day and while we have a strong call to action for them, our No Talk Day is for all New Zealanders. We want it to be a reminder to check in with each other, start a conversation or just stay and listen. We’re pushing this message with our colleagues at our workplace too.”

Movember Foundation NZ recommends starting a conversation if you think something is going on with a friend, workmate or family member and you have noticed some changes in them.

Movember NZ Country Manager Robert Dunne says, “We’re delighted to back Radio Hauraki’s No Talk Day because it sends the right message at many levels. Our research shows that everyone can watch out for the mental wellbeing of those they care about by following the ALEC acronym: Ask how they are doing, Listen to what they say, Encourage action by exploring options they may have and Check in with where they are at.”


Radio Hauraki’s No Talk Day video:

Our previous media release about No Talk Day:

Where to get help:

If you are worried about your or someone else's mental health, the best place to get help is your GP or local mental health provider. However, if you or someone else is in danger or endangering others, call police immediately on 111.

Where to find help and support: · Need to Talk? Call or text 1737 · Lifeline - 0800 543 354 or (09) 5222 999 within Auckland (available 24/7) · Depression Helpline - 0800 111 757 (available 24/7) · Suicide Crisis Helpline - 0508 828 865 (0508 TAUTOKO) (available 24/7) · Youthline - 0800 376 633, text 234, email or online chat · Kidsline: 0800 543 754 (available 24/7) · Samaritans - 0800 726 666




For further information please contact:

Rowena D’Souza, Communications Manager, New Zealand Media and Entertainment
