Radio Survey Results June 2019

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  • Radio Survey Results June 2019

“Relentless focus” on connecting with listeners fuels “sensational” NZME commercial radio results

As a growing number of Kiwis choose to listen to Newstalk ZB and ZM, New Zealand's largest multi-media company, New Zealand Media and Entertainment (NZME), has paid tribute to the radio hosts listeners are flocking to.

In the latest results of the GfK independent commercial radio survey, NZME’s Newstalk ZB grew its dominance of the commercial radio networks. Its multi-award-winning hosts Mike Hosking and Marcus Lush are streets ahead of their competition^^.

While in music, ZM is another big NZME winner. ZM has won the fierce battle to be the number one station for Kiwi 18 – 34-year-olds. ZM’s breakfast hosts Fletch, Vaughan and Megan also topped the charts to be the number one breakfast show with 18-34 year olds*.

The fantastic ratings result complements the nine awards ZM picked up at the NZ Radio Awards last week, including Station of the Year and Best Music Breakfast Show.

“To deliver such amazing survey results after our on-air teams lead the way at the New Zealand Radio Awards last week, is incredibly pleasing,” said NZME’s Group Director of Entertainment Dean Buchanan.

“Not only do ZM’s Fletch, Vaughan and Megan have the best Breakfast Show in New Zealand, they have won over more than 20,000~ new listeners in three months, that’s quite simply a brilliant result. NZME and our Partner stations*** now dominate the Auckland radio market, and nationwide more than 2 million Kiwis tune in every week.” said Mr Buchanan.

NZME’s Head of Commercial Matt Headland said: “There are so many more examples of results we’re incredibly proud of today. This is a brilliant time to be a part of the NZME story, to showcase NZME’s talent and share those stories with our clients.”

“It’s great to see some super-charged growth in our 25 – 54^ audiences too, with every NZME network growing in popularity with these listeners. It’s an incredible result for all of our people including those behind the scenes supporting our on-air teams to deliver shows our audiences are loving,” said Mr Headland. “Combine these radio audiences with our digital capability and growing print readership you can see what a powerful proposition NZME is for our clients”.

NZME Managing Editor Shayne Currie is pleased with the new Newstalk ZB listeners who’ve become loyal ones. “Thousands of New Zealanders have turned to Newstalk ZB during recent big stories, they’ve stayed with the network and now they’re being joined by even more listeners. ZB is now number one in its Early Edition, Breakfast, Drive, Nights, Overnights and Weekends# across New Zealand. That’s a sensational place to be.”

NZME CEO Michael Boggs attributes the radio audience growth to a relentless focus on having the best hosts on the right brands building meaningful and lasting connections with listeners.

 “We’ve put new shows in place with hosts like Kerre McIvor and Heather du Plessis Allan soon to be joined by Simon Barnett and Phil Gifford on Newstalk ZB. Tracey Donaldson’s joined Mix. Mike Puru and Anika Moa have teamed up with Stacey Morrison on Hits drive, Laura McGoldrick’s joined Hits Breakfast, Mel Homer and Jason Tikao (JT) on Coast and Darryl-Mathew Suasua and Astley Nathan (Daz and Ast) on Flava. They’ve all joined an incredibly classy group of extremely talented and highly professional broadcasters, many who were recognised at the radio awards recently. It’s no wonder their hard work is being recognised by our most important judges – our listeners,” said Mr Boggs.

“I’m also delighted with the growth of NZME’s streaming service iHeart Radio. iHeart now boasts just over 878,000 registered users. In May it clocked up a massive 3.4 million listening hours**,” said Mr Boggs.

 “These commercial survey results also give the radio industry plenty to celebrate. Nearly 3.4 million New Zealanders, that’s nearly 80% of us, listen to commercial radio each week and they’re listening on average for 17 hours a week. Radio is delivering incredibly engaged audiences for advertisers all around New Zealand,” said Mr Boggs.


For further information please contact:

Rowena D’Souza, Communications Manager, New Zealand Media and Entertainment



Source: GfK Radio Audience Measurement. Commercial Radio Stations. Total New Zealand. S2/2019

(NB: Waikato S3/2017). Station Share (%) Station Cume (000’s) TSL (hh:mm). Mon-Sun 12mn-12mn. All People 10+ unless otherwise stated.

^^ Station Share all people 10+ (M-F 6am-9am + 8pm-12mn)

*Station Share (%) All People 18-34 (M-F 6am-9am)

~Station Cume (000’s) All People 10+ (M-F 6am-9am)

^Station Cume (000’s) All People 25-54

*** NZME & Partners (BBC Auckland, Chinese Radio AM936 Auckland, FM99.4 Chinese Voice Auckland, Humm FM Auckland, 95bFM Auckland, Pulzar FM Christchurch.

#Early Edition M-F 5am-6am, Breakfast 6am-9am, Drive 4pm-7pm, Nights 8pm-12mn, Overnight 12mn-5am, Weekends Sat-Sun 12mn-12mn

** Omniture, StreamGuys, AdsWizz and iHeartMedia

Stats: YTD May 2019